What should you eat if you are feeding the baby?

Hey friends! If you’re reading this blog that means you or someone close to you has had a baby recently. So congratulations!!! There are various myths associated with caring for and rearing a newborn in our society. So in my blog today I have tried to cover the myths and facts regarding the diet of …

Beat the Heat

We are facing scorching summers in most cities in India these days. We often hear people saying “loo lag gayi hai” or “sunstroke ho gaya hai.” So, what is this, and how to prevent and treat it? There are basically two terms for these conditions – heat exhaustion and heatstroke. Heat exhaustion occurs when your …

My baby has not started walking/talking yet…!!!

Hi friends! It’s been a really long that I shared anything with you. I got busy raising my baby who is now 15 months old!! Also we got a very unexpected and eventful last yea. So, as we step in this next year I thought of connecting with you all again!! Many parents come to …

What and when to give top feeds to my baby?

It’s great to know that your baby is growing healthy and fast. If you are already thinking of top feeds that implies your baby is already 5-6 months of age. Is she not…..??? Then wait….. As per the doctors around the world the best age to start complementary feeding is 5-6months. What is complementary feeding? …


A newborn baby should be given breastfeeding as soon as possible after birth. If breast feed is given immediately after birth, it is shown to regularize baby’s temperature, increase breast milk output, soothes baby and also helps mother relieve the pain and stress of delivery. The amount of breast milk is less in the first …

Constipation…. how big is the trouble???

Constipation is a common and increasing problem in all age groups. Passing less than 4 stools per week or passing very hard stools even though 3-4 times a day with difficulty in passing stools is known as constipation. Breastfed infants usually pass 3 to 4 soft stools every day, but it may vary upto passing …

Impact of TV or mobile on children

Today, we are surrounded by so many technologies. Do you know the impact of television and the internet on children? In the last two decades, these two have evolved in a very rapid and out of control manner. When we were kids, there was hardly one television in one home. Today, there are 4 to …

Weight issues in Preschoolers

Earlier this morning I got a call from a concerned parent “Why is my child not gaining weight? What should I do?” Do you also wonder why your preschooler (2-5year olds) not gaining weight? Don’t worry as it is a very common concern. You have to take into consideration a lot of factors. Average weight …

Preventing flu or viral fever in infants and young children

We are all afraid of cold, cough and flu in infants and young children. This is the most common in the young children.Actually, this is the most common illness in all ages. What is common cold or flu? Running nose, fever, red eyes, watering from eyes, sore throat, body aches along with fatigue are the …

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